"if it's good news, it must be someone else's"

Thursday, February 12, 2009

818. renewed my subscription

in these tough economic times, i'm left with one subscription i can not cut from the budget.
there are few magazines that i hold more dear.

it was there for me a long time ago, while i sat panting in the dentist's waiting room in anticipation of a cavity to be filled.
and it's there for me now, tackling the tough issues in a no nonsense, simple way.
newsweek? time? vanity fair?
not! not! not!

it is "highlights".
oh, you might remember it as "highlights for childen".
but i had a talk with them a while back.
now it's just "highlights".
goofus and gallant.
hidden pictures.
and timely pieces like: "billy wants boots when mommy gets her stimulus check".

and fortunately i got my order in on time and will receive the bonus winter coat issue.
oh baby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, Goofus & Gallant...ageless friends of mine.