"if it's good news, it must be someone else's"

Friday, November 19, 2010

circumventing thinking

if thinking just seems like a royal pain in the ass, the fastest way to circumvent it is to hold faith as fact, define patriotism as yours, and confuse both with knowledge.


lightly said...

i got

you at home, you have just being trying to right a story and we the patsies.

you showed a picture of france and then you showed a picture of italian police, we not easly fooled

itsmecissy said...

, and who was the one who figured it out?

itsmecissy said...

"if thinking just seems like a pain in the ass, the fastest way to circumvent it is to hold faith as fact, proclaim patriotism as owned, and confuse both with knowledge."

Just like Sarah Palin?

Randy Johnson said...

Brilliant! This one I plan to memorize, and quote often in my ever increasing effort to piss off bible thumpers and nationalists alike. Thanks Bob!